The Happiest Country

I wonder what happens differently in Norway.

Do the husband and wife not bicker there?

Do their marriages last longer?

Do their women have the same freedom as their men?

Do their families bond stronger than ours?


Maybe the sun shines brighter there.

Maybe their politicians are more honest.

Maybe they are all vegetarians.

Maybe it is all about prosperity.

No? Then?

Men must be more faithful.

Women must be more chaste.

Everyone must be a virgin until marriage.

Old parents must be living happily with their kids.

No? No to all of them? Then?

Their civilisation must be more ancient than ours.

More Gods must be living in that country.

They must be having more saints and monks to guide them.

They must be doing yoga and meditation every morning.

No? Still no?

Then what is it that makes them more happy than us

particularly when we are convinced

that we are the most spiritual of all beings?

Or being spiritual and being happy

are two distinct, non-overlapping things?